Creative Intelligence Government
The division dedicated to political and institutional communication
We create integrated and multimedia communication projects for Government and Institutions, Public Administrations and protagonists of political life.

Political and public administration communication follows specific regulations and formats that require the intervention and expertise of dedicated professionals.Creative Intelligence Governmentis the dedicated and specific division to manage contents and image ofGovernment,institutionsandLocal societies, Public Administrations Andprotagonists of national political life.
Political and institutional communication in Italy has radically changed in recent years andtoday it follows regulations and specific standards which in the design and executive development phase require the intervention and skills of professionals in the sector.
Political communication feeds more and more on social media.Digital tools that alongside Web 3.0 represent a formidable boost in the dissemination of ideas, images, electoral programmes. All this from the point of view ofgenerate consensus and bring citizens and voters closer to politics and public life in our country.
Alsoelectoral campaigns change profoundly in the age of digital transformation.Using powerful sponsorship tools such as those made available by web giants, Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ads, today allows you to reach specific target citizens and voters to inform them about the electoral programs of candidates and political parties._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Finally, the web and social media allow you to manage complex processes ofdigital mobilization, with the aim of involving citizens and voters through newsletters, chats and instant messaging tools.
Betweenthe services offered by our Government divisionwe highlight the one oriented tosupport andatinteractionwith possible internal references to the clientele staff for an always efficient and operational management of every situation of need.
We believe in the power of new communication tools and we always give our best to ensure effective communication that adheres to your target audience.
Creative Intelligence Governmentis our division dedicated to managing contents, image, communication plans of Government, Institutions, local authorities and personalities of Italian politics.
We are made to communicate and create networks.
In view of the evolution that will affect the Municipalities and their respective online presence (and respective services provided electronically) in the next three years, Creative Intelligence stands asdual partnerboth towards theCommonthemselves and towardssoftware houseswho work with iSpID authentication systems,THERE IS, of paymentPagoPAAndmanagement.
Thanks to our experience we are able to offer web development services that are perfectly in line with the current guidelines for the digital design of the public administration and with the model for the design of sites and services of Italian municipalities directly aimed at citizens .
In addition to our direct interaction service with software houses specialized in the digital transformation sector, we are able to provide aporting(data transfer, saving, recovery and optimization) always up to every need.
Here are some of the projects curated by our team.